Thursday, October 28, 2004

A Liz

THIS is who will be interviewing me...

Australia's 'leading lady of fiction' Di Morrissey. On the one hand, I'm relieved that she's blonde. But on the other, it's a bit worrying that she is like a proper author.

I kinda sorta know who she is...her books are mostly women's fiction I think (Edit: I don't mean romance. Or Chick Lit. Though I guess they kind of are. Oh, I don't know) I was looking at one in the newsagents/bookstore today...her picture on the back was a bit more frightening than the one above.

I do wonder why she has time to teach the course if she's so successful though. Maybe it's not many hours a week (I HOPE so!).

I keep thinking about all the half-truths I told on my application. Well...they weren't so much not true...I've just changed my mind a lot, even since then. I said I wanted to be a comedy writer, and presented a folio demonstrating 'as such'. But now I think I want to be the editor of Vogue. Which is totally different. She's going to think I'm Miss Changy-Pants I think.

Also, I elaborated the truth about what experience I have. What if she wants proof?

I have to stop's really not that important. It won't be the end of the world if I don't get in. It will just mean that I am completely talentless and have no future. So not all that bad.

Coming Up Soon: Some depressing poetry