Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Oh, Fuck

I got a call about my folio application for Exclusive Writing Course today. I have to come in for an interview.

I know this is a good thing, and I guess it means my folio was ok, but now I have to be PROPERLY JUDGED on my writing.

I'll have to talk about my writing, and have someone else talk about it and decide if it's good enough. It makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Having my writing judged is my worst ever fear. As SOME people know, and now I guess everyone reading this, I think every single thing I write is completely shit. I have absolutely no confidence in my own abilities (Magical Mystery Blogs aside...I don't really take that seriously, so I don't care).

Yes, this is a healthy mind frame. I'm trying to get over it. Face the fear, get into gear, etc.

I'm just going to be so freaked out from now till the interview takes place though.