Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Day: 2
Word Count: 4661

Today's Issues:
  • Too many character names to remember. I've had to get out a whiteboard to write them all down so I don't have to keep scrolling up to check what I called someone. There's not only the characters in the novel, but the names of the characters they play in the TV show
  • Too much boring dialogue, I think. And it's getting a little serious

    Story summary so far, in dot points:
  • Oscar loves Michael J Fox
  • Oscar lands the role of Wash Hog in The Kitchen
  • Oscar and Stu Blake have coffee (exciting!)
  • Oscar watches a repeat of 'Undercover Pilots'
  • Jess accidentally prints the wrong week's TV guide
  • Jess has to answer to the producer she accepted the bribe from, as to where the review is
  • The other reviews of The Kitchen start appearing. The are all terrible
  • The cast and crew have a launch party. Oscar is not invited

    Brief Excerpt:
    Down the other end of the road, at the same moment in time, Oscar was preparing for his own private launch party. He was well aware that he was'’t invited to the one at Blake’s house. He had asked if he could come, when he accidentally found out about it, but Blake had blatantly told him no. But it's alright, Oscar had some of his own friends, and fellow members of his 'Back To The Future' Fan club (he was the vice-president...even though he started it) over for some festivities.

    How sad is it that Oscar is now partly based on me? Starting his own fanclub, etc.